Thursday, November 01, 2007

Disaster Strikes-Landed in New Foundland

Nobody is hurt, but my camera has gone missing. It has all the photos since I started on the train after Vancouver. It's the strangest disappearence, as if it was just evaporated out of existence. My camera is an important tool of mine, but it's the pictures that might never be shared that's causes me to feel the greatest concern. I have spent the better part of the day searching for the camera and now have a computer generated "Lost-$100 Reward" flyer to replace the handwritten signs I have already placed earlier in the day. Hopefully I'll get lucky and somebody will turn it in. Anyways, it is a good reflection on how important picture taking is for me and has been an opportunity to meet a great many of the folks here in this town of Corner Brook. Will be here for a day or two before pushing down into the states. Keep up the good thoughts that the camera, or at least the memory card comes back to me so that I can update this blog with many wonderful photos of this adventure.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the lost camera.
How has the storm, weather effected your travels?
Can you receive photos to your blog?

Anonymous said...

Hi Don:

Glad to hear that you are enjoying your travels in Newfoundland. Those Newfies are a hardy lot. You need to be given the weather. Hope your camera turns up before you leave for the U.S.

Miss you lots.
