Sunday, November 11, 2007

New York "Ground Zero"

Note: This post was written two days ago , but because of a computer glitch, it did not post.

Finally made it to witness the gaping hole left after more than 6 years when two jets crashed into the World Trade Towers. My overwhelming feeling walking around this hole in the ground was sadness and anger. Sadness at how this event was used by our so called leaders to eviscerate our constitution and proudly proclaim how "Big Brother" is going to protect us and avenge those who perpetrated such a murderous act. Getting off the train last night at Penn Station I was shocked to see large numbers of uniformed military personnel carrying big guns and multiple police (Amtrak-Local) all over the station. Video cameras are everywhere. A Korean woman whom I met on the train observed that the place feels strangely "Unstable"and I agreed that the difference was striking compared to any big city in Canada that I visited.

I've had so many experiences on this trip that I have barely scratched the surface with through this blog. Getting time to be in front of a computer has been a challenge. Went to B&H to see about buying a new camera but the one I lost has gone out of production and the closest one they have doesn't suit me, so this will have to wait to Florida. A guy I traveled with to NY took some pictures of us on the train so hopefully he will send them

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Don:
Wonderful talking to you yesterday and hearing your observations of New Orleans. FEMA has a lo9t to answer for.

I had a nice e-mail from Mr. MacNichol who is sending me the book "Echoes of Freedom" a history of Dorchester and environs. I am writing him a big thank you today. He has also given me his website from which he also sells other books so I will be in touch with him there. It is good to know that Maritime Hospitality is alive and well.

Look forward to hearing from you when you get to FLA.

